What is an Objective Function in Linear Programming: A Dive into the Mathematical Ocean of Possibilities

What is an Objective Function in Linear Programming: A Dive into the Mathematical Ocean of Possibilities

Linear programming (LP) is a mathematical method used to achieve the best outcome in a mathematical model whose requirements are represented by linear relationships. At the heart of every linear programming problem lies the objective function, a formula that defines what needs to be maximized or minimized. This function is the compass that guides the decision-making process, pointing towards the optimal solution amidst a sea of constraints.

The Essence of the Objective Function

The objective function in linear programming is the mathematical expression that quantifies the goal of the optimization problem. It is typically a linear equation of the form:

[ \text{Maximize or Minimize } Z = c_1x_1 + c_2x_2 + \dots + c_nx_n ]

where ( Z ) is the objective to be optimized, ( c_i ) are the coefficients representing the contribution of each decision variable ( x_i ) to the objective, and ( x_i ) are the decision variables themselves.

Maximization vs. Minimization

The objective function can be set to either maximize or minimize a particular value. For instance, a company might want to maximize its profit or minimize its costs. The choice between maximization and minimization depends on the nature of the problem at hand.

Decision Variables

Decision variables are the unknowns that the linear programming model seeks to determine. These variables represent the decisions that need to be made to achieve the optimal solution. In the context of the objective function, they are the levers that can be adjusted to influence the outcome.


The coefficients in the objective function represent the weight or importance of each decision variable in achieving the objective. For example, in a profit maximization problem, the coefficients might represent the profit contribution per unit of each product.

The Role of Constraints

While the objective function defines what needs to be optimized, constraints define the limitations within which the optimization must occur. Constraints are also linear equations or inequalities that restrict the values that the decision variables can take. They ensure that the solution is feasible and adheres to real-world limitations.

Feasible Region

The feasible region is the set of all possible solutions that satisfy the constraints. It is within this region that the optimal solution to the linear programming problem lies. The objective function is evaluated at each point within the feasible region to determine the best possible outcome.

Corner Point Theorem

The corner point theorem states that the optimal solution to a linear programming problem, if it exists, will be at one of the corner points (vertices) of the feasible region. This theorem simplifies the search for the optimal solution by limiting the evaluation to a finite number of points.

Applications of Linear Programming

Linear programming is a versatile tool with applications in various fields, including economics, business, engineering, and logistics. Some common applications include:

  • Resource Allocation: Determining the optimal allocation of limited resources to maximize output or minimize costs.
  • Production Planning: Optimizing production schedules to meet demand while minimizing costs.
  • Transportation Problems: Finding the most efficient way to transport goods from suppliers to consumers.
  • Diet Problems: Formulating the least expensive diet that meets nutritional requirements.

Solving Linear Programming Problems

There are several methods to solve linear programming problems, including:

  • Graphical Method: Suitable for problems with two decision variables, this method involves plotting the constraints and objective function on a graph to visually identify the optimal solution.
  • Simplex Method: A more advanced algebraic method that iteratively moves towards the optimal solution by traversing the vertices of the feasible region.
  • Interior-Point Methods: These methods approach the optimal solution from within the feasible region, often providing faster convergence for large-scale problems.

Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis is an important aspect of linear programming that examines how changes in the coefficients of the objective function or constraints affect the optimal solution. This analysis helps decision-makers understand the robustness of the solution and make informed adjustments if necessary.

Shadow Prices

Shadow prices, also known as dual prices, represent the change in the objective function value per unit increase in the right-hand side of a constraint. They provide valuable insights into the value of relaxing constraints and the impact on the overall objective.

Reduced Costs

Reduced costs indicate how much the coefficient of a non-basic variable (a variable not in the optimal solution) needs to change for it to become part of the optimal solution. This information is crucial for understanding the marginal value of introducing new variables into the model.


The objective function is the cornerstone of any linear programming problem, defining the goal that needs to be achieved. It works in tandem with constraints to guide the search for the optimal solution within the feasible region. Understanding the nuances of the objective function, along with the methods to solve and analyze linear programming problems, is essential for making informed decisions in various real-world scenarios.

Q1: Can the objective function in linear programming be non-linear? A1: No, by definition, the objective function in linear programming must be linear. Non-linear optimization problems fall under different categories, such as non-linear programming.

Q2: What happens if there is no feasible region in a linear programming problem? A2: If there is no feasible region, it means that the constraints are contradictory, and no solution satisfies all of them simultaneously. In such cases, the problem is said to be infeasible.

Q3: How do you determine if a linear programming problem has multiple optimal solutions? A3: A linear programming problem has multiple optimal solutions if the objective function is parallel to one of the constraints, resulting in an infinite number of points along that edge of the feasible region that yield the same optimal value.

Q4: What is the significance of the dual problem in linear programming? A4: The dual problem provides a different perspective on the original (primal) problem, offering insights into the sensitivity of the solution and the value of resources. It is also useful in certain solution methods and economic interpretations.